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Ways to weigh a neutrino

For decades scientists have tried to find a way to measure the mass of the lightest matter particle known to exist. Three new approaches now have a chance to succeed.


Physics books of 2022

This year’s list includes a book about an eminent physicist striving to avoid fame, two unique books for children, and a book with equations you'll actually be able to read.


Madagascar’s path to neutrino physics

Laza Rakotondravohitra was the first Malagasy grad student to conduct research in neutrino physics. He and others are working to ensure he will be far from the last.


Parenting in physics

Scientists discuss the challenges of being caregivers in physics and some ways they’ve seen the field change for the better.


An unplanned trajectory

Cameo Lance spoke at an American Physical Society meeting about her winding path from an undergraduate degree in physics to the space industry.