We hear ya.
In response to requests from a number of readers, we're bringing back the downloadable, printable pdf version of symmetry with this issue. (You can download individual articles, as well.) It's not quite as fancy as the original print version of the magazine, but it will give people a lot more flexibility in where and how to read the magazine.
In this issue:
The LUX experiment takes the search for dark matter deep into a South Dakota gold mine.
New medical technologies harness protons for imaging and cancer treatment.
Stunning displays of light, music and other electronic artistry bring the thrill of science to a tech-savvy generation. Cosmic-ray dance party, anyone?
In a commentary, SLAC's Herman Winick tells how advances in accelerator technology led to a revolutionary new technology -- the X-ray laser -- for research into the world's smallest, fastest processes.
Plus how synthetic diamonds play a key role in Large Hadron Collider detectors.