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Magnetic Moment

A brewery near Fermilab honors the arrival of a giant electromagnet.


The Dark Energy Survey begins

Over the next five years, scientists will capture some of the grandest images of the cosmos ever seen and use them to probe the mystery of dark energy.


ILC ink

A summer intern at Jefferson Laboratory is excited about the proposed International Linear Collider—and he’s got the tattoo to prove it.


Neutrinoless double beta decay

The observation of neutrinoless double beta decay would suggest that, by itself, the Standard Model Higgs cannot give mass to neutrinos.


Scientists of Burning Man

Burning Man offers parallels to—and welcome departures from—the scientific endeavors of physicists who attend the annual event.


Fermi’s first five years

In its first five years gazing at the gamma-ray sky, the Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope provided new insights into cosmic puzzles ranging from dark matter to blazars—and added a few new puzzles to the list.