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A syllabus in cosmic rays

What have scientists learned in five years of studying cosmic rays with the Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer experiment?


Opportunities, decisions await Oddone

Pier Oddone, deputy director at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, will assume the leadership of the largest US particle physics laboratory at a time of great scientific opportunity and important decisions.


Let it rain

The most energetic particles in the universe have a message for us. The gigantic Pierre Auger Southern Observatory, still under construction in Argentina, is already trying to decipher it.


Night shift

Twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week, a crew of four to five operators plus a crew chief are on shift in Fermilab's Main Control Room, monitoring the accelerator complex.


Beyond the Standard Model

At almost any particle physics conference, meeting, or lunch table, the phrase “"physics beyond the Standard Model" is heard over and over again. What’'s wrong with the Standard Model, anyway? Why are physicists so sure that there is something beyond it?


Einstein vs. Godzilla: The Green Guy Wins

So who's this Einstein guy I keep hearing about? He writes these five papers a hundred years ago, and now the whole world wants a year to glorify him? Booshwah, I say.


Quantum Diaries

Quantum Diaries follows the lives of scientists from around the world as they live the World Year of Physics 2005. In their own words, in photos, blogs and videos, they tell the real-life stories of real physicists in real time.



In 1978 Alan Guth heard about the “flatness problem” of the universe while attending a talk on cosmology—a field he was only marginally curious about. A year later, Guth found a solution.