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A special introduction

“It’s not often you get introduced by a Nobel Prize winner,” said US Energy Secretary Samuel Bodman, former professor of chemical engineering at MIT and CEO of a Fortune 300 company.



Quarks are fundamental particles found in the matter all around us.


Where do they go?

High-energy physics labs worldwide are neighbors with numerous butterfly species–from the Common Blue (Polyommatus icarus, photo) found near CERN to the Pipevine Swallowtail (Battus philenor) that shares the Bay Area with SLAC. But where do butterflies go in the winter?


Out of the box: Designing the ILC

Scientists working on the design of the proposed International Linear Collider have made some important decisions and agreed on the base-line configuration of the machine.


Burl Skaggs: In the clouds

Burl Skaggs lives in a two-story house in the foothills of the Sierra Nevada mountains. Each workday he has breakfast, kisses his wife Carol goodbye, and goes down to his extra-large garage.


Slippery substance

Water continues to reveal mysteries and surprises as researchers investigate its structure.