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Hunting the origin of Alzheimer's

A surgeon and a scratch golfer most of his adult life, a US Army officer in World War II, the doctor gave up his medical practice in his 60s while exhibiting increasingly erratic behavior–such as meandering down to a favorite car dealer in his prosperous New Jersey town, and signing the pap


Old giant hangs on

In biology, there is a loose rule of thumb that says the bigger an organism, the longer its life will be. If Fermilab's "Jolly Green Giant" is any indication, the rule may also apply to equipment in high-energy physics.


PEP-II interaction region

The Stanford Linear Accelerator pumps large amounts of energy into beams of electrons and positrons, sending them into the PEP-II storage ring where the particles can collide, revealing the secrets of fundamental particle processes.


Forget Albert

Quick, give an example of a first name of a physicist. Albert? Benjamin? Sure, Albert Einstein and Benjamin Franklin are famous examples. But their first names are rather unusual.


Light sources

Light sources are accelerator-based machines used for research in fields from physics and chemistry to medicine and forensics.


Engineering feats

Sometimes it takes the most impressive equipment in the world to find the smallest, most easily overlooked particles in the universe. Fermilab's Neutrinos at the Main Injector (NuMI) project is a perfect example.


First Z at SLC

Roger Erickson was annoyed with all the calls to the main control room. People were eager for news of the Stanford Linear Collider (SLC). Was it running? Did they already observe the first Z particle, one of the carriers of the weak force?


Slippery substance

Water continues to reveal mysteries and surprises as researchers investigate its structure.