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CMS assembly

The Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) detector is one of the two general purpose particle detectors being constructed at CERN’s Large Hadron Collider (LHC) outside Geneva, Switzerland.


Engineering big upgrades

How do you renovate a delicate, irreplaceable detector? Very carefully. During the last four months of 2006, the BaBar collaboration at SLAC successfully replaced a prematurely aging muon identification system.



Simulations allow physicists to make predictions.


Walking in the dark?

I have been attending hundreds of talks by particle physicists who look for a very specific experimental signature that is predicted by a very specific theory extending the Standard Model.


Dark matter rap

I first heard of dark matter at a Moriond Conference in 1987.


ANITA takes flight

A one-time visitor to SLAC, the Antarctic Impulsive Transient Antenna (ANITA), recently took to the frigid skies over Antarctica on a mission looking for evidence of cosmic-ray neutrinos.


Berkeley Band re-enacts the big bang

The world, by some accounts, was created in seven days. Not to try and top that, but a university band managed to re-enact the big bang in a period of less than an hour.