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Star Wars lands at Fermilab

Fermilab physicist Darren Crawford shares a birthdate, May 25, with the first Star Wars movie release. Now he is making his own mark on the fabled sci-fi fantasy series.


“Soup, salad, or Higgs?”

A snowstorm hit the Chicago area on February 13, before the start of the DOE/NSF agency review at Fermilab of the US ATLAS and US CMS collaborations, the US contributions to two of the Large Hadron Collider experiments.


Single top production

In 1985, ten years before scientists at Fermilab discovered the top quark, Scott Willenbrock was a graduate student at the University of Texas at Austin.


BaBar's window on the weak force

The sun is shining; the Earth is warm instead of icy. Life is good, thanks to the weak force. One of the four known forces that shape the universe, the weak force sustains our lives, driving the nuclear reactions that power the sun and heat the Earth’s core. It’s also tremendously useful.


Evolution of a collider

As physicists and engineers devise ways to make the International Linear Collider perform better at a lower cost, the design evolves, sometimes with tweaks but at other times with major reconfigurations.


Engineering big upgrades

How do you renovate a delicate, irreplaceable detector? Very carefully. During the last four months of 2006, the BaBar collaboration at SLAC successfully replaced a prematurely aging muon identification system.