07/09/24 Nature Huge neutrino detector sees first hints of particles from exploding stars Japan’s Super-Kamiokande observatory could be seeing evidence of neutrinos from supernovae across cosmic history.
07/09/24 NPR Short Wave The invisible substance that structures our universe What is dark matter, and why do we think it exists?
07/05/24 ScienceNews Strange observations of galaxies challenge ideas about dark matter A new look at how light bends in the universe could point to an alternative theory of gravity.
07/05/24 CERN Courier A gold mine for neutrino physics The DUNE experiment is taking shape deep in the same mine where physicists got the first hint that something was amiss with the neutrino.
Bringing background to the forefront 01/23/25 Chris Patrick SNOLAB scientists meticulously measure the signals that interfere with sensitive physics experiments.
06/27/23 A call to cite Black women and gender minorities Theoretical astrophysicist Chanda Prescod-Weinstein recently unveiled the Cite Black Women+ in Physics and Astronomy Bibliography.
06/20/23 India’s gem at CERN: Archana Sharma The first Indian scientist to join CERN was recently recognized with the highest honor of India for overseas citizens.
06/13/23 Physics on tour A group called the Big Bang Collective sets up physics discovery stations at rather unexpected venues: music festivals.
06/06/23 A cosmological headache For over a century, scientists have wondered what is counteracting the force of gravity in the universe.
05/30/23 A different way of thinking Neurodivergent physicists face barriers in STEM, but there are also benefits to being who they are.
05/23/23 From inventor to entrepreneur Creating a startup to commercialize technology developed during research is a risky road for physicists and engineers, but the help of experts can improve their chances.
05/16/23 Searching for the matter that hides its shine Just because matter is visible doesn’t mean it’s easy to see.
05/09/23 Collaboration builds fantastical stories from nuggets of truth What happens when you pair CERN scientists with science fiction writers to create short stories inspired by particle physics?