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KEK’s activities

On page 18 of the June/July issue in the story “No Little Plans”, you state “With California’s SLAC, Japan’s KEK and Germany’s DESY laboratories making the transition from particle physics to light-source-based research…”

KEK’s activities
On page 18 of the June/July issue in the story “No Little Plans”, you state “With California’s SLAC, Japan’s KEK and Germany’s DESY laboratories making the transition from particle physics to light-source-based research,…”

I think this is a very misleading statement. Although KEK does have a light source facility, the KEK B factory is still running with record breaking luminosity, and fixed-target experiments and a long-baseline neutrino-oscillation experiment are expected to start in 2008 at J-PARC, a joint project with JAERI with its 50 GeV high intensity proton beam. KEK will continue to strive in particle physics for some time.

Youhei Morita, KEK, Japan


Editor’s note: The implication that KEK is changing focus was unintended and we regret the misrepresentation.


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