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A live video event in the massive DUNE caverns
Courtesy of SURF

The view from Neutrino Day 2024

About 2,200 people took part in hands-on science activities, performances, lectures and exhibits at Sanford Underground Research Facility's Neutrino Day celebration this year.

On July 13, Sanford Underground Research Facility hosted its 16th annual Neutrino Day. 

SURF, built at Homestake Gold Mine in Lead, South Dakota, is the deepest science laboratory in the United States. Research located underground at SURF includes experiments designed to study dark matter and, of course, the particles of the day: neutrinos.

The free, citywide Neutrino Day science festival featured tours, science activities and exhibits for all ages, talks and performances, and live video chats with engineers underground.

A child listens to a communication device

A child listens to a communication device brought by Colorado State University's hands-on science program, "Little Shop of Physics."

Courtesy of SURF
A person on stage in front of a crowd

PhD student Linda Di Felice, one of three presenters who gave a lecture titled Dark Matter 101: The LUX-ZEPLIN crash course, spreads her arms in front of the crowd at the Homestake Opera House.

Courtesy of SURF
Children enjoy science learning and play with the Little Shop of Physics

Children enjoy science learning and play with the "Little Shop of Physics."

Courtesy of SURF
People enjoy SURF's ethnobotonical garden Čhaŋgléška Wakȟáŋ.

Visitors enjoy SURF's ethnobotonical garden, Čhaŋgléška Wakȟáŋ, defined by the lab as their "effort to explore the connections between science, art, culture, and humanistic inquiry in the Black Hills." 

Courtesy of SURF
Liquid nitrogen icream being made by volunteers.

The South Dakota Mines chapter of the Society of Physics Students come to Neutrino Day each year to make liquid nitrogen ice cream.

Courtesy of SURF
The tent for Fermilab at Neutrino Day was a popular place for many. Participants are gathered around the fermilab tent.

Volunteers from Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, which manages the Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment under construction at SURF, talked to visitors about neutrinos.

Courtesy of SURF
A child looks though VR goggles while a volunteer explains what they are seeing.

2024 Davis-Bahcall Scholar Mackenzie Hollenbeck describes a VR image of the Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment caverns to a young Neutrino Day attendee. 

Courtesy of SURF
Poeple inside the Sanford Lab Homestake Visitor Center looking at the model of the SURF underground.

A trio of Neutrino Day attendees, two human and one canine, check out a model of SURF's underground inside the Sanford Lab Homestake Visitor Center.

Courtesy of SURF
Two people in front of a camera for a live broadcast from Neutrino Day

Two volunteers broadcast live from Neutrino Day.

Courtesy of SURF
The crowd gathered for the live feed from underground during Neutrino Day.

A crowd watches a live feed from underground at the lab.

Courtesy of SURF
Volunteers at Neutrino Day smile while looking down from a balcony

Neutrino Day volunteers wave from above the crowd. 

Courtesy of SURF
A view from above Lead during Neutrino Day

SURF's Visitor Center is located next to the Homestake Gold Mine Open-Cut.

Courtesy of SURF
A view from above Lead of a balloon launch conducted by South Dakota Mines

During the Neutrino Day festivities, the South Dakota School of Mines & Technology launched a weather balloon. 

Courtesy of SURF
Two people smiling while holding the Neutrino Day selfie frame.

Two Neutrino Day SURF volunteers smile while holding the Neutrino Day selfie frame. 

Courtesy of SURF
A view from above Lead on Neutrino Day with a full Main Street.

Cars line Main Street in Lead on Neutrino Day.

Courtesy of SURF

Editor's note: A version of this photo essay was originally published by Sanford Underground Research Facility.