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Welcome to symmetry!

Published by Fermilab and SLAC, two national laboratories funded by the US Department of Energy's Office of Science, symmetry magazine offers clear, dependable coverage of particle physics and its impacts on the world. 

Symmetry is a magazine for science enthusiasts, students, teachers, journalists, artists, policy makers, physicists, lab neighbors and everyone in between.

Since 2004, the magazine has covered the world of particle physics, sharing the field's importance and impact with hundreds of thousands of readers around the world. Our goal is to offer in-depth, dependable, lighthearted and clear coverage of particle physics and its intersection with life and culture.

We hope you'll join us by reading the magazine in your inbox and online, joining us on Facebook and Twitter, and sending us your comments and letters. If at any time you would like to unsubscribe, can do so by clicking the "manage your symmetry email updates" link that appears at the bottom of every email we send you.

In addition, we invite you to explore our other online features, including the image bank, PDF versions of articles and the searchable archives.

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