Fermilab Docent Felicia Svoboda gives students a tour of the display area in Fermilab's Wilson Hall.

Svoboda shows students a scale model of the Fermilab grounds.

Svoboda points out buildings and particle accelerator rings through a window overlooking the grounds on Wilson Hall's 15th floor.

Svoboda explains how the laboratory's accelerators once ran on the Cockcroft-Walton generator, shown on the poster. The generator went offline in 2012 and is still on display near the lab's main control room.

The tour group gathers around as Svoboda explains cancer therapy research at Fermilab.

Svoboda guides the tour group through the halls outside Fermilab's main control room.

A wall-to-ceiling map outside Fermilab's main control room shows locations of other physics laboratories around the world.

Students finish their tour outside Fermilab's Ramsey Auditorium.

While students enjoy a lunch break, Svoboda doesn't stop talking physics.