The June edition of symmetry is now online! This month, symmetry brings the Standard Model to life explaining how the muon—the short-lived cousin of the electron—could be the key to understanding relationships between other fundamental particles. (The silent movies starring your favorite particles are not to be missed.)
This month's issue also describes how scientists are using the ALICE accelerator to develop a promising new tool for detecting pre-cancerous tissue years earlier than conventional tests.
And, as scientists prepare to celebrate the Tevatron accelerator’s contributions to science, technology and society at a symposium this month, symmetry glimpses Al Capp’s legendary Shmoo cartoon character in the Tevatron tunnel.
Finally, don't miss catching a theater performance in Gran Sasso National Laboratory—beneath 1400 meters of rock and amongst huge detectors of neutrinos and dark matter.
To receive all future issues of symmetry, published online 11 times a year, please subscribe to our e-mail edition.