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Fabric of the Cosmos: new PBS NOVA series premieres tonight

The four-part PBS series premieres tonight.

Tonight, Wednesday, Nov. 2, PBS will premiere a new four-part NOVA series entitled, “The Fabric of the Cosmos,” based on physicist Brian Greene’s book of the same name. Aiming to comprehensively explain modern physics through powerful imagery, the series mixes enthralling metaphors with informative interviews.

“We all learn about space and time as little children, so we assume that they are simple to understand,” said Craig Hogan, the head of Fermilab's Center for Particle Astrophysics and one of several scientists who appear throughout the series. “Nothing could be farther from the truth. The nature of space and time, and their relationship to matter and energy, are the deepest mysteries of physics.”

The first episode, “What is Space?”, explores the concept of space – the seemingly vast emptiness between two obviously solid objects. From the infinitesimal to the mind-bogglingly massive gaps, every part of inner and outer space is filled with something. It’s in this episode that viewers begin to learn about dark energy, which makes up about 70 percent of all space, yet has remained largely elusive.

The four-part series features scientists from Berkeley Lab, Fermilab and SLAC. A three-minute trailer about the series is available here.

Read the full stories about the series in Fermilab Today and SLAC Today.