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Nice ice

A recent article by scientists in Leeds and Oslo featured in CERN's "Picked Up for You" might have an answer to Terry Anderson's ice-related question in March's symmetry.


Above: The roof of the car pictured in the March 07issue of symmetry, courtesy of Terry Anderson, SLAC.

Nice ice
A recent article by scientists in Leeds and Oslo featured in CERN's "Picked Up for You" might have an answer to Terry Anderson's ice-related question in March's symmetry. Terry's frost picture bears a striking resemblance to the patterns formed in draining thin-film suspensions. I invite readers to take a look at the article at:
Heath O'Connell, Fermilab

The little article about frost on the roof of a Honda reminded me of the photo I took of frost on my step-daughter's 1994 Honda Accord roof. I don't recall the details, except that I thought it was beautiful. Here's the photo. Thanks for a great magazine.
David Frye, Denton, NE

Click here to download the pdf version of this article.