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I just perused the April issue of symmetry and had to laugh about the Ziploc purse. I visited CERN for the first time a few months ago and was rummaging around the house trying to find something to store my coins in with the knowledge that I would have to keep three different currencies in order.


I just perused the April issue of symmetry and had to laugh about the Ziploc purse. I visited CERN for the first time a few months ago and was rummaging around the house trying to find something to store my coins in with the knowledge that I would have to keep three different currencies in order.

Ta da...a Ziploc!

I felt rather foolish at first, pulling out my baggie in the lunch line, but it worked great. I thought I was the only world traveler that had to resort to Ziplocs to keep my money straight but finding out that it's a physics culture thing really makes me feel like I have arrived…I truly am a high-energy physicist!

Thanks for the laugh.


Linda Bagby, Fermilab-DZero/CMS


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