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Physics bliss

It was very nice reading the article on couples in physics in the January/February issue of symmetry. Satyajit Behari and I are also physicists happily married to physics, and have been working together at Fermilab since 2000.

Physics bliss
It was very nice reading the article on couples in physics in the January/February issue of symmetry. Satyajit Behari and I are also physicists happily married to physics, and have been working together at Fermilab since 2000. Satyajit has been working on analyses within the B physics group. He was heavily involved in the CDF Run IIb silicon upgrade project and currently is one of the on-call experts for the CDF experiment providing silicon detector maintenance and running. I was previously at CDF (1999-2003), and I have been at DZero since 2004, also working on analyses in the B physics group. A precious gem in our life, our daughter Barnali, was born in 2002. She attends the Fermilab daycare center and will be 5 years old this month. We were heartened to see the stories of others who are happily married, and happily married to physics. 

Tania Moulik, Fermilab

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