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Custom designed microchips have become essential in processing signals from modern physics experiments that generate lots of data. This chip, the QIE9, designed by Fermilab engineers, is just one example of the many Application Specific Integrated Circuits (ASICs) used in such experiments. The chip converts raw analog signals to the digital format required for data analysis.

Deconstruction: Microchip

Chip design:
Tom Zimmerman and
Jim Hoff, Fermilab

Ray Yarema and
Tom Zimmerman, Fermilab


gravitational lenses

Custom designed microchips have become essential in processing signals from modern physics experiments that generate lots of data. This chip, the QIE9, designed by Fermilab engineers, is just one example of the many Application Specific Integrated Circuits (ASICs) used in such experiments. The chip converts raw analog signals to the digital format required for data analysis.


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