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Foiled car foils attempt to monopolize parking

In mid-June, Fermilab employees got a surprise as they drove through the DZero parking lot. Sitting in a prime spot in the small parking lot in front of the main building was a car, completely covered in aluminum foil and adorned with decorations.

Foiled car foils attempt to monopolize parking

Foiled car note
Photo: Kelen Tuttle

In mid-June, Fermilab employees got a surprise as they drove through the DZero parking lot. Sitting in a prime spot in the small parking lot in front of the main building was a car, completely covered in aluminum foil and adorned with decorations. A note, taped to the hood, encouraged passers-by to add their own removable message or decoration. Someone brought balloons, quickly withering in the summer heat; others had written strange messages such as "Rooster, Rooster, Rooster" in various places on the foil.

"All of the players in this drama are DZero collaborators," said Greg Davis, a member of the DZero team.

Foiled car

The car belongs to DZero physicist Marc-Andre Pleier, and his colleagues decorated it while he was out of town. The mastermind in this operation, Jeff Temple, had explained to Pleier that "if you are leaving for a long time, you should park in an out-of-the-way place," because the lot serves many employees and visitors. Pleier ignored this advice from his colleague, and he was in for a great surprise upon his return. (His reaction was not available in time for this issue.)

"I knew that Pleier would be out of town for a few weeks after the DZero conference in Vancouver," said Temple, "so his car became a tempting target."

And so the car served as a humorous warning to others who wish to monopolize prime spots.

Amelia Greene


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