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Light rays do the twist

Accelerator physicists at SLAC have manipulated electron bunches to generate twisted light.


US participation in the Higgs discovery

The search for the Higgs at experiments at the Large Hadron Collider was an international effort involving thousands of people, with physicists and engineers from US institutions playing a significant role throughout.


More than a game

Astrophysicists find a new use for the video cards that give computer games that movie quality: crunching scientific data.


The great physics quest

In their search for fundamental truths, particle physicists have a lot in common with explorers everywhere. 


Artists challenged to depict physics

Through the “Collision” contest, 22 artists and scientists pushed themselves into new territory, portraying the concept of “new physics” through art.


Just how weak is the weak force?

Using a unique technique, the Q-weak collaboration has found the value of the weak force to be in agreement with theory—so far.


The hunt for microscopic black holes

Finding micro black holes at the LHC would alert scientists to the existence of extra dimensions, which might explain why gravity seems so weak.