10/25/22 Physicists work to bring more undergrads into research Despite challenges, some physics faculty at predominantly undergraduate institutions make research experiences available to students.
10/18/22 The next stage of cosmic microwave background research With CMB-S4, scientists hope to connect a sandy desert with a polar desert—and revolutionize our understanding of the early universe.
Video URL 10/11/22 Video: After fire and monsoons, DESI resumes cataloguing the cosmos This timelapse taken from the Mayall Telescope’s webcam shows the Contreras Fire approaching Kitt Peak from June 15-17, 2022.
10/11/22 After fire and monsoons, DESI resumes cataloguing the cosmos Collaborators on the Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument breathe a sigh of relief as they successfully restart the state-of-the-art experiment.
10/04/22 15 spectacular photos from the Dark Energy Camera The powerful camera built for the Dark Energy Survey has taken more than 1 million photos from its perch in Chile. Here are some of the best.
09/27/22 An unplanned trajectory Cameo Lance spoke at an American Physical Society meeting about her winding path from an undergraduate degree in physics to the space industry.
09/20/22 Catching neutrinos at the LHC After the successful initiation of two new detectors, scientists have begun to envision an expanded suite of neutrino experiments at the Large Hadron Collider.
09/13/22 The value of a physics identity Being able to see themselves as physicists can make or break students’ ability to thrive in the field.
09/06/22 Majorana Demonstrator finds ‘tantalizing’ new purpose Scientists are using a detector originally designed to study neutrinos to pin down an elusive nuclear physics measurement.
08/30/22 Meet Quantum Kate The animated YouTube series Quantum Kate is a teenager’s guide to modern physics.
08/23/22 Accelerator operators: pillars of particle physics It takes years of on-the-job training to learn the ins and outs of particle accelerator operation.
08/16/22 Design thinking and the Disco-tracker As part of a class on design thinking, a graduate student turned her research topic into an art installation resembling a giant disco ball.
08/09/22 Four (more) things you might not know about antimatter It’s around you, it’s a part of you, and scientists are still trying to figure it out.
08/04/22 Why aren’t neutrinos adding up? Physicists take on the mystery of the missing (and extra) neutrinos.
08/02/22 6 views of working in particle physics without a PhD Symmetry chats with scientists and engineers about doing important work in physics without a doctoral degree.
07/26/22 Ximena Cid builds community by cherishing her roots Ximena Cid found her place in STEM by embracing her identity. Now she helps others do the same.