04/12/16 Art draws out the beauty of physics Labs around the world open their doors to aesthetic creation.
04/07/16 Physicists build ultra-powerful accelerator magnet An international partnership to upgrade the LHC has yielded the strongest accelerator magnet ever created.
04/01/16 Belle II and the matter of antimatter Go inside the new detector looking for why we’re here.
03/29/16 The Milky Way’s hot spot The center of our galaxy is a busy place. But it might be one of the best sites to hunt for dark matter.
03/24/16 The next big LHC upgrade? Software. Compatible and sustainable software could revolutionize high-energy physics research.
03/22/16 Why are particle accelerators so large? CERN physicist Edda Gschwendtner explains why we need big machines to study tiny particles.
03/16/16 Dusting for the fingerprint of inflation with BICEP3 A new experiment at the South Pole picks up where BICEP2 left off.
03/15/16 A new pair of lenses for the Mayall Scientists hope the quarter-ton hunks of glass will help them see dark energy’s effects.
03/10/16 Fermilab scientist elected next CMS spokesperson Joel Butler will lead the LHC experiment starting in September.
03/08/16 Art of Darkness The Dark Energy Survey’s art show offers a glimpse of the expanding universe.
03/02/16 SuperKEKB reborn The Japanese accelerator takes its first steps toward resuming its hunt for the universe’s missing antimatter.
03/01/16 The hidden neutrino The explanation for some strange experimental results could lie in undiscovered particles called sterile neutrinos.