08/19/16 The $100 muon detector A doctoral student and his adviser designed a tabletop particle detector they hope to make accessible to budding young engineering physicists.
08/16/16 The physics photographer Fermilab’s house photographer of almost 30 years, Reidar Hahn, shares four of his most iconic shots.
08/10/16 Dark matter hopes dwindle with X-ray signal A previously detected, anomalously large X-ray signal is absent in new Hitomi satellite data, setting tighter limits for a dark matter interpretation.
08/09/16 The contents of the universe How do scientists know what percentages of the universe are made up of dark matter and dark energy?
08/09/16 Sterile neutrinos in trouble The IceCube experiment reports ruling out to a high degree of certainty the existence of a theoretical low-mass sterile neutrino.
08/05/16 LHC bump fades with more data Possible signs of new particle seem to have washed out in an influx of new data.
08/04/16 Higgs boson resurfaces in LHC data The Higgs appeared in the second run of the LHC about twice as fast as it did in the first.
08/02/16 Q&A: The future of CERN CERN’s Director General is enthusiastic about the progress and prospects of the LHC research program, but it’s not the only thing on her plate.
07/28/16 The deconstructed Standard Model equation The Standard Model is far more than elementary particles arranged in a table.
07/27/16 The Atomki anomaly A result from an experiment in Hungary catches the attention of a group of theorists in the United States.
07/26/16 The most important website in particle physics The first website to be hosted in the US has grown to be an invaluable hub for open science.
07/21/16 Dark matter evades most sensitive detector In its final run, the LUX experiment increased its sensitivity four-fold, but dark matter remains elusive.
07/18/16 Pokémon Go shakes up the lab routine At Fermilab and CERN, students, lab employees and visitors alike are on the hunt for virtual creatures.
07/15/16 The science of proton packs Ghostbusters advisor James Maxwell explains the science of bustin'.