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Sciences on the Grid

All fields of science benefit from more resources and better collaboration, so it's no surprise that scientific researchers are among the first to explore the potential of grid computing to connect people, tools, and technology.


Meet the Grid

Today's cutting-edge scientific projects are larger, more complex, and more expensive than ever. Grid computing provides the resources that allow researchers to share knowledge, data, and computer processing power across boundaries.


City-states of science

Tomorrow's particle physics experiments are redrawing the map for scientific collaboration. Although the field has long been accustomed to large groups of scientists, life in the new CERN collaborations will surely be different.


Ken Peach: HEP in the UK

Physicist Ken Peach, recently appointed director of the UK's John Adams Institute, discusses the current state of particle physics in Britain -- including a significant change in mood among particle physicists.


Don't forget the universities

Great article on the LHC and the US involvement (April 2005)--very complete and well presented. As usual, a nice job with the symmetry issue.


The new high-energy frontier

In less than three years, scientists will start up the world's largest scientific instrument: The Large Hadron Collider. US scientists have built key components for the machine and its experiments, paving the way for their participation in a decade of discoveries.


Large Hadron Collider

The Large Hadron Collider is currently being installed in a 27-kilometer ring buried deep below the countryside on the outskirts of Geneva, Switzerland. When its operation begins in 2007, the LHC will be the world’s most powerful particle accelerator.


Peter Ginter: Visions of particle physics

Physicists and scientists of other disciplines around the world have created countless research sites that remind me of the colossal dimensions of ancient temples, in one way; and, in another, of fragile, beautiful little altars where they orchestrate experiments, with research objects largely in


What's in a name?

I have heard conflicting reports as to who decided to call one of the most spectacular intellectual innovations of human history "the Standard Model," physicists' best construct for explaining the range and behavior of elementary particles that make up the universe as we know it.


Virtual cake

Celebrating anniversaries of global organizations presents unique challenges and asks for creative solutions.


Families of the world

Scientists and their families are finding they must adapt to the increasingly international nature of particle physics. The effects on family life go far beyond jet lag and it's up to individuals to navigate the foreign terrain.