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LHC cabling

It’s heavy, dusty, dirty work: Deep in the bowels of the LHC detectors, workers are rushing to connect a rat’s nest of cables.


Protecting the LHC from itself

Scientists at CERN have crafted the world’s most sophisticated machine protection system to save the LHC from itself.


Entering Higgs habitat

A powerful new collider will allow scientists to explore the territory where the long-sought Higgs particle—maybe even a whole family of them—resides.


Across the ocean, yet close to home

Among the 10,000 people from around the world who are working on the Large Hadron Collider, 1000 hail from universities and national labs in the United States.


The LHC: The greatest physics experiment of history

We are on the eve of one of the greatest experiments in the history of physics. The Large Hadron Collider, a 27-kilometer ring straddling the Swiss-French border, is pushing the frontier of exploration into the fundamentals of our universe.


Dark energy

In the fall of 1997, I was leading the calibration and analysis of data gathered by the High-z Supernova Search Team, one of two teams of scientists —the other was the Supernova Cosmology Project—trying to determine the fate of our universe: Will it expand forever, or will it halt and contract, r


In the tunnel

While looking through the Aug 07 issue of symmetry, I enjoyed reading Glennda Chui’s article “The particle physics life list.” There’s a picture of “Hans Bethe and friend” touring what is now the CESR tunnel at Cornell University’s Laboratory for Elementary-Particle Physics.


Steering a dragon

Since I visited Fermilab almost seven years ago on a cross-country trip, I’ve enjoyed keeping in virtual touch with the world of high-energy physics, first through FermiNews and now through symmetry.


Bauhaus particle physics

Some of these paintings by Roshan Houshmand (symmetry, Jun/Jul 07) remind me of the works of Paul Klee (of the Bauhaus School in the 1920s in Germany) and also those of Joan Miró to some extent in another way. Certainly her painting “Retro” connects in my mind with Kandinsky.



When Tom Nash bought a new Porsche 911 Carrera 4, he wanted to give it some personal flair. So he applied for a custom license plate: GEQ8PIT.


You have 3Hψi new messages

JoAnne Hewett’s most recent paper is a collaboration between physicists at the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center, the University of Chicago, and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.


Déjà blue

As Clark Cully watched the movie Déjà Vu with his parents, something about the movie’s time machine­—with its bright blue wedges of metal spewing a ring of wires—seemed eerily familiar.


Scary Ben

It was 80 degrees under a cloudless sky in St. Charles, Illinois. Thunder boomed. Lightning flashed, striking a kite and shooting down the string to a bald scarecrow. Its giant eyes glowed. “What’s that?” asked a Girl Scout working on a nearby display.


Row, row, row...

Monica Dunford couldn’t stop swaying when she finally got out of the boat after 15 hours, 33 minutes, and 15 seconds of hard rowing. The physicist and her four teammates had just won the Tour du Leman, held Sept. 22.