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Q&A With eta sub b

symmetry’s Calla Cofield scored an exclusive interview with the particle -- …the ground state… -- the artist -- eta sub b, who signs his name ηb.


Where old physics stuff goes to live

The Fermilab boneyard is no burial ground; it’s a place where unwanted parts find new homes and lives. They’re matched with scientists who can put them to good use, donated to local schools and parks, or sold for recycling.


The dark universe debate

Who will be the first to prove the existence of dark matter and dark energy? A particle physicist and an astrophysicist go head to head.


BaBar and the very tiny particle

In which the 500 members of the BaBar experiment buy enough time for one last adventure: capturing the bottom-most bottomonium


Kate McAlpine: Rapping physics

A good portion of the public is curious about what is going on in particle physics right now, and we have an ever-longer list of ways for them to find out—from lab newsletters to personal blogs, popular-level magazines, and plain-language Web sites.


Starting up the Large Hadron Collider

On September 10, physicists and physics enthusiasts around the world watched expectantly as CERN attempted to circulate particle beams in the Large Hadron Collider for the first time.