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Tom Nelson: Mining a rich vein of science

Gold! That precious metal has been a constant measure of value to mankind. Fortunes have been made or lost, empires have risen or fallen, all in the pursuit of the Mother Lode. Such is the case of Lead, South Dakota.


Periodic table

Look at the periodic table of elements, and you’d be hard pressed to find an element that is not used in physics. But what are the most important elements for building accelerators, detecting particles, and solving the mysteries of the universe?


Accidental beauties

These exquisite test samples transcend their original purpose—ensuring all the metal parts of SLAC accelerators and detectors are flawless.


Helium's shrinking bubble

Helium is the lifeblood of large particle accelerators. As the world’s supply dwindles, the particle physics community must take steps to preserve this precious commodity or learn to live without it.


Dark Energy Camera scans ancient skies

Gazing into space, scientists wonder why the universe is expanding ever faster. What mysterious force is at work? By recording the light from hundreds of millions of galaxies from a mountaintop in Chile, they hope to find out what'’s going on.


Growing a diverse workforce

When it comes to training, hiring, and retaining women and members of ethnic minorities, particle physics lags far behind other fields of science. Staffers at three national labs— Fermilab, SLAC, and Brookhaven—are attacking the problem at every level.


Diversity and mentoring in particle physics

Women and minorities are significantly underrepresented in physics. There are many possible reasons for the imbalance, and understanding the causes is a challenging task.