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Particle physics tames big data

As science produces an ever-growing flood of information, researchers in many fields struggle with how to collect, store, manage and distribute “big data.” Perhaps they could learn a thing or two from particle physics, a field that's been awash in enormous data sets for decades.


Big data

Big science takes both big data and big cooperation. For the Large Hadron Collider at CERN, storing, analyzing and accessing 25 petabytes of data each year requires a worldwide effort that spans more than 100 institutions in 36 countries. Here’s how it works.


Hunting dark matter with BaBar

Light dark photons? Dark Higgs bosons? Scientists look for signs of these weird-sounding particles in data from BaBar—an experiment designed to explain a completely different mystery.


Ten things you may not know about the Higgs boson

This year, results from the Large Hadron Collider in Europe and the Tevatron in the United States will either prove or refute the existence of the Standard Model Higgs particle, a keystone in theorists’ proposed explanation for the origin of mass.