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Say hello to CERN

Scientists, engineers and other personalities from Europe’s largest physics lab begin a new series of “Hangout with CERN” video chats.


A bullet through an apple

Physicists have begun the first full run of proton-lead collisions in the Large Hadron Collider to learn more about the beginning of our universe.


A model partnership

Bucking the “ivory tower” stereotype, particle theorists dive into Large Hadron Collider experimental searches and come up with a new way to look at the data.


Physics never sleeps

Physicists from all over the world work the night shift to guide the Large Hadron Collider and its particle detectors from sunset to sunrise. Take a peek into two of the five CERN control rooms that are staffed 24 hours a day.


What else could the Higgs be?

Scientists might need to go beyond the Standard Model to explain the mass of the Higgs-like boson observed at the Large Hadron Collider.


Electronics in an extra dimension

3D chips—smaller and more powerful than their 2D counterparts—are beginning to make an impact in industry. Now, Fermilab is working with industrial partners to fabricate prototype 3D chips for use in science.


Virtual tourist

About 80,000 people visit the Large Hadron Collider each year. Now, thanks to the Web, thousands more can make the visit—without ever leaving their hometowns.