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The muon

Meet the Twinkie of particle physics: the muon.


One degree of separation: the Vietnam connection

Physicist Jean Tran Thanh Van, creator of one of the most prestigious particle physics conferences, is the king of connections. His humanitarian efforts, combined with his vision of a cohesive international particle physics community, have now led him back to his home country of Vietnam.


The electron's dance

Paris’ Trocadéro science exhibition allows science enthusiasts to see—and even control—a real electron accelerator.


Particle physics and your ride

Metal products contain microscopic stresses that can grow into bigger problems. How engineers choose to manage these stresses makes all the difference.


Hunting dark matter with BaBar

Light dark photons? Dark Higgs bosons? Scientists look for signs of these weird-sounding particles in data from BaBar—an experiment designed to explain a completely different mystery.