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A summer of (physics) code

This summer, seven young coding whizzes contributed to CERN projects through the Google Summer of Code program.


Electronics in an extra dimension

3D chips—smaller and more powerful than their 2D counterparts—are beginning to make an impact in industry. Now, Fermilab is working with industrial partners to fabricate prototype 3D chips for use in science.


Nobel honors research by particle trappers

Serge Haroche and David Wineland, who opened a new era of research by building particle traps and experimenting with individual particles without destroying them, were honored with the 2012 Nobel Prize in physics.


Caring for the prairie

Volunteers at Fermilab continue the site’s rich history of environmentally responsible land management.



About 30 percent of bees in the United States die of disease, infection or other causes each year, a number beekeepers say will have a serious impact on agriculture. Could particle accelerators be the solution?