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Linear collider plans move forward

A new international organization will guide the development of a $7.78 billion particle accelerator that could be heir to the Large Hadron Collider.



Spectroscopy is a technique that astronomers use to measure and analyze the hundreds of colors contained in the light emitted by stars, galaxies and other celestial objects.


Cosmic rays born in supernova aftermath

One hundred years after the discovery of cosmic rays, a team of particle astrophysicists has definitively determined one source of these abundant yet enigmatic particles.


Long-Baseline Neutrino Experiment

The Long-Baseline Neutrino Experiment aims to discover whether neutrinos violate the fundamental matter–antimatter symmetry of physics.


Neutrinos, the Standard Model misfits

For years, scientists thought that neutrinos fit perfectly into the Standard Model. But they don't. By better understanding these strange, elusive particles, scientists seek to better understand the workings of all the universe, one discovery at a time.


The power of basic science

Long-term funding and support for science pays huge dividends from unexpected discoveries and applications—even when the potential impact is unclear at the time of discovery.