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Not just old codgers

During a day of talks at Stanford University, theoretical physicist Leonard Susskind explained “Why I Teach Physics to Old Codgers, and How It Got to Be a YouTube Sensation.”


Searching for the holographic universe

Physicist Aaron Chou keeps the Holometer experiment—which looks for a phenomenon whose implications border on the unreal—grounded in the realities of day-to-day operations.


Expanding universe measured with precision

The Sloan Digital Sky Survey has made the most precise measurement of the expansion rate of the universe over a period of time, an important step toward understanding dark energy.


LHC begins long road to restart

Physicists have begun to reawaken CERN’s accelerator complex, with a goal of having beam ready for the next run of the LHC in early 2015.


The oldest light in the universe

The Cosmic Microwave Background, leftover light from the big bang, carries a wealth of information about the universe—for those who can read it.


Accelerator, stonewashed

Taking a page out of the jeans manufacturers' playbook, researchers use stonewashing machines to perfect equipment for a future International Linear Collider.


LHC and Tevatron share first joint result

An international team of scientists from Fermilab’s Tevatron and CERN’s Large Hadron Collider has produced the world’s best value for the mass of the top quark.