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To catch a gravitational wave

Advanced LIGO, designed to detect gravitational waves, will eventually be 1000 times more powerful than its predecessor.


Accelerating the fight against cancer

As charged-particle therapies grow in popularity, physicists are working with other experts to make them smaller, cheaper and more effective—and more available to cancer patients in the United States.


CERN turns 60

CERN celebrates six decades of peaceful collaboration for science.


When research worlds collide

Particle physicists and scientists from other disciplines are finding ways to help one another answer critical questions.


Cosmic dust proves prevalent

Space dust accounts for at least some of the possible signal of cosmic inflation the BICEP2 experiment announced in March. How much remains to be seen.


Science gets social

If you like your science with a cup of coffee, a pint of beer or a raucous crowd, these events may be for you.


What Hawking really meant

Fermilab physicist Don Lincoln explains the idea of a metastable universe, what it has to do with the Higgs boson, and why we're still in good shape.