06/06/18 We're going to need a bigger blackboard Watch SLAC theorist Lance Dixon write out a new formula that will contribute to a better understanding of certain particle collisions.
04/24/18 The coevolution of physics and math Breakthroughs in physics sometimes require an assist from the field of mathematics—and vice versa.
10/24/17 Speak physics: What is a cross section? Cross sections tell physicists how likely particles are to interact in a given way.
05/19/16 The Planck scale The Planck scale sets the universe’s minimum limit, beyond which the laws of physics break.
04/28/16 A GUT feeling about physics Scientists want to connect the fundamental forces of nature in one Grand Unified Theory.
10/14/15 Is the universe getting bigger or am I getting smaller? Physicist Jim Pivarski explains ways to think about the expansion of space.
08/27/15 Looking for strings inside inflation Theorists from the Institute for Advanced Study have proposed a way forward in the quest to test string theory.
07/28/15 Is this the only universe? Our universe could be just one small piece of a bubbling multiverse.
06/18/15 Mathematician to know: Emmy Noether Noether's theorem is a thread woven into the fabric of the science.
01/27/15 Of symmetries, the strong force and Helen Quinn Scientist Helen Quinn has had a significant impact on the field of theoretical physics.
06/10/14 Wave-particle duality The concept of wave-particle duality ascribes two seemingly contradictory traits to a single object.
05/07/14 The twin paradox Fermilab physicist Don Lincoln explains a well-known thought experiment examining the consequences of special relativity.
01/28/14 Quantum entanglement Through ‘spooky action at a distance,’ the properties of two systems remain correlated even after they are separated.
11/26/13 The early universe How is it possible to look at the earliest moments of the universe? Physicists have their ways—and what they find out will tell us a lot about how the universe works today and how it will unfold in the future.