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LHC creates matter from light

Scientists on an experiment at the Large Hadron Collider see massive W particles emerging from collisions with electromagnetic fields. How can this happen?


A new view of the Higgs boson

Scientists know the Higgs boson interacts with extremely massive particles. Now, they’re starting to study how it interacts with lighter particles as well.


Not just old codgers

During a day of talks at Stanford University, theoretical physicist Leonard Susskind explained “Why I Teach Physics to Old Codgers, and How It Got to Be a YouTube Sensation.”


Searching for the holographic universe

Physicist Aaron Chou keeps the Holometer experiment—which looks for a phenomenon whose implications border on the unreal—grounded in the realities of day-to-day operations.


The oldest light in the universe

The Cosmic Microwave Background, leftover light from the big bang, carries a wealth of information about the universe—for those who can read it.