07/05/24 ScienceNews Strange observations of galaxies challenge ideas about dark matter A new look at how light bends in the universe could point to an alternative theory of gravity.
07/05/24 CERN Courier A gold mine for neutrino physics The DUNE experiment is taking shape deep in the same mine where physicists got the first hint that something was amiss with the neutrino.
06/27/24 Nature Five new ways to catch gravitational waves—and the secrets they’ll reveal Observatories, experiments and techniques are being developed to spot ripples in space-time at frequencies that currently can’t be detected.
06/26/24 Science Friday The feat of building the world’s largest telescope The Extremely Large Telescope is under construction on a mountaintop in Chile’s Atacama Desert. It could revolutionize astronomy.
The quantum chase 11/26/24 Laura Dattaro Some friendly competition led up to the first discovery of entanglement at the Large Hadron Collider.
09/05/23 Rap with an undercurrent of particle physics UK musician Consensus spins the big ideas of physics into rap and hip-hop tracks.
08/29/23 Life along the future DUNE beamline Unseen neutrinos, visible lives: A photographer journeys through the Midwest.
08/22/23 Vera C. Rubin Observatory brings the universe to everyone The Rubin Observatory is making education and outreach a top priority.
08/15/23 Seeing the full picture with line-intensity mapping Scientists are championing a relatively new technique as a method to understand the structure of the early universe in three dimensions.
08/10/23 Muon g-2 doubles down with latest measurement, explores uncharted territory Fermilab's Muon g-2 experiment brings particle physics closer to a showdown between theory and experiment.
08/01/23 IceCube and NANOGrav open new windows onto the universe New results from a neutrino telescope and a gravitational-wave observatory show how astronomers use different forms of messengers to study the cosmos.
07/25/23 SAGE Journey program ignites interest in STEM Three SAGE alumni talk about their experiences with a program meant to broaden gender diversity in STEM.