11/08/21 Physics Today Joanne Cohn and the email list that led to arXiv A strong sense of community led an early-career string theorist to share preprints in a scientifically competitive environment.
11/07/21 NPR He always wanted a PhD in physics. He finally earned it at 89 Manfred Steiner had a successful and productive career as a doctor. But all along, he had a nagging feeling he should be doing something else: studying physics.
11/04/21 New York Times A new 10-year plan for the cosmos On astronomers’ wish list for the next decade: two giant telescopes and a space telescope to search for life and habitable worlds beyond Earth.
11/04/21 Scientific American Can sterile neutrinos exist? Physicists have wondered if neutrino particles come in a mysterious fourth variety. Now new experimental findings complicate the question.
Testing, testing! 01/15/25 NSF–DOE Vera C. Rubin Observatory has just successfully completed a series of full-system tests using an engineering test camera.
03/01/16 The hidden neutrino The explanation for some strange experimental results could lie in undiscovered particles called sterile neutrinos.
02/23/16 The ABCs of particle physics Take an interactive animated journey through the particle physics alphabet.
02/18/16 Casting a net for neutrinos The KM3NeT experiment will catch the elusive particles using the Mediterranean Sea.
02/16/16 Test of DUNE tech begins On the road to the world’s largest liquid-argon neutrino detector, take the “DUNE Buggy.”
02/09/16 Neutrinos on a seesaw A possible explanation for the lightness of neutrinos could help answer some big questions about the universe.
02/04/16 Weighing the lightest particle Physicists are using one of the oldest laws of nature to find the mass of the elusive neutrino.