10/28/21 Quanta Is the great neutrino puzzle pointing to multiple missing particles? Years of conflicting neutrino measurements have led physicists to propose a “dark sector” of invisible particles.
10/27/21 MicroBooNE experiment’s first results show no hint of a sterile neutrino Four complementary analyses by Fermilab’s MicroBooNE show no signs of a theorized fourth kind of neutrino.
10/27/21 ScienceNews Doubt cast on theorized ‘sterile’ particles leaves a neutrino mystery unsolved A highly reclusive variety of the lightweight subatomic particles seems less likely.
10/26/21 BICEP3 tightens the bounds on cosmic inflation A new analysis of the South Pole-based telescope’s observations has all but ruled out several popular models of inflation.
Small science and the future of particle physics 01/07/25 R.M. Davis A proposed funding program for small- and medium-scale projects reveals insights into the science, logistical challenges, and future of particle physics research.
02/23/16 The ABCs of particle physics Take an interactive animated journey through the particle physics alphabet.
02/18/16 Casting a net for neutrinos The KM3NeT experiment will catch the elusive particles using the Mediterranean Sea.
02/16/16 Test of DUNE tech begins On the road to the world’s largest liquid-argon neutrino detector, take the “DUNE Buggy.”
02/09/16 Neutrinos on a seesaw A possible explanation for the lightness of neutrinos could help answer some big questions about the universe.
02/04/16 Weighing the lightest particle Physicists are using one of the oldest laws of nature to find the mass of the elusive neutrino.