02/21/22 Nature A supernova could light up the Milky Way at any time. Astronomers will be watching When a star from our Galactic neighbourhood explodes, it could outshine the Moon. Researchers are racing to get ready for the fireworks.
02/15/22 Physics World Physics World Careers 2022 guide is now out Physicists can apply their skills in a wide variety of roles.
02/14/22 Nature How light is a neutrino? The answer is closer than ever The latest effort to weigh the elusive particle produces a more precise estimate of its upper limit.
02/13/22 Wired Symmetries reveal clues about the holographic universe How might our universe emerge like a hologram out of a two-dimensional sheet? An infinitely distant “celestial sphere” could hold answers.
How do scientists get lead into the LHC? 01/28/25 Sarah Charley Once a year, the Large Hadron Collider smashes lead ions. But how do scientists get a heavy metal into a particle accelerator?
09/01/16 Universe steps on the gas A puzzling mismatch is forcing astronomers to re-think how well they understand the expansion of the universe.
08/30/16 Our galactic neighborhood What can our cosmic neighbors tell us about dark matter and the early universe?
08/26/16 Winners declared in SUSY bet Physicists exchanged cognac in Copenhagen at the conclusion of a bet about supersymmetry and the LHC.
08/19/16 The $100 muon detector A doctoral student and his adviser designed a tabletop particle detector they hope to make accessible to budding young engineering physicists.
08/16/16 The physics photographer Fermilab’s house photographer of almost 30 years, Reidar Hahn, shares four of his most iconic shots.
08/09/16 The contents of the universe How do scientists know what percentages of the universe are made up of dark matter and dark energy?
08/02/16 Q&A: The future of CERN CERN’s Director General is enthusiastic about the progress and prospects of the LHC research program, but it’s not the only thing on her plate.