As a teenager in China, he began studying science on his own. Less than two decades later, he shared a Nobel Prize for breakthroughs in subatomic physics.
A proposed funding program for small- and medium-scale projects reveals insights into the science, logistical challenges, and future of particle physics research.
In the culmination of a decade’s worth of effort, the DES collaboration of scientists analyzed an unprecedented sample of more than 1,500 supernovae classified using machine learning.
In Her Space, Her Time, physicist Shohini Ghose elucidates the stories of women scientists who contributed to and led some of the biggest breakthroughs in astronomy and physics.
The ATLAS collaboration recently measured the strength of the strong force to a record level of precision, but there’s still a long way to go toward understanding this fundamental force.
In the culmination of a US community planning process that began in late 2020, the High Energy Physics Advisory Panel has approved the recommendations of the P5 Report.