08/31/22 Science News Physicists dispute a claim of detecting a black hole’s ‘photon ring’ If real, the thin ring of light would probe the gravity around a black hole in a new way.
08/26/22 WIRED Where do high-energy cosmic rays come from? A star’s last gasp Researchers compiled data from several telescopes to show that explosive stellar death can generate some of the fastest particles in the universe.
08/25/22 Science News ‘Chameleon’ forces remain elusive in a new dark energy experiment A hypothetical fifth force that morphs based on its environs didn’t turn up.
08/22/22 University of Melbourne Digging deep for dark matter A laboratory at the bottom of a gold mine in rural Victoria could make one of the biggest scientific discoveries ever – proving the existence of dark matter.
Explain it in 60 seconds: High-Luminosity LHC 02/26/25 Sarah Charley The upgrade to the Large Hadron Collider will allow scientists to better study known phenomena and to search for new ones.
10/24/17 Speak physics: What is a cross section? Cross sections tell physicists how likely particles are to interact in a given way.
10/10/17 A play in parallel universes Constellations illustrates the many-worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics—with a love story.
10/05/17 A radio for dark matter Instead of searching for dark matter particles, a new device will search for dark matter waves.
09/28/17 Conjuring ghost trains for safety A Fermilab technical specialist recently invented a device that could help alert oncoming trains to large vehicles stuck on the tracks.
09/28/17 Fermilab on display The national laboratory opened usually inaccessible areas of its campus to thousands of visitors to celebrate 50 years of discovery.
09/26/17 Shining with possibility As Jordan-based SESAME nears its first experiments, members are connecting in new ways.
09/19/17 50 years of stories To celebrate a half-century of discovery, Fermilab has been gathering tales of life at the lab.
09/15/17 SENSEI searches for light dark matter Technology proposed 30 years ago to search for dark matter is finally seeing the light.