09/28/22 AIP US particle physicists look to future at ‘Snowmass’ meeting Physicists are showing enthusiasm for building a new collider on US soil, and diversity and community engagement are also getting new attention.
09/23/22 NPR The world's biggest digital camera is almost ready to be installed on its telescope Technicians are putting the final touches on the world's largest digital camera at the SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory.
09/22/22 Fermilab Anna Grassellino awarded New Horizons Prize in fundamental physics Grassellino received a 2023 New Horizons in Physics Prize of $100,000 as a researcher for her work and impact in particle accelerator technology and quantum information science.
09/22/22 Science News Video: How ghostly neutrinos could explain the universe’s matter mystery Matter’s dominance over antimatter may revolve around lightweight subatomic particles.
Testing, testing! 01/15/25 NSF–DOE Vera C. Rubin Observatory has just successfully completed a series of full-system tests using an engineering test camera.
03/23/18 Complex complexes These two-minute animations break down the accelerator systems at Fermilab and CERN.
03/13/18 LHC exhibit expands beyond the visual The touring Tactile Collider event explores new ways to access Large Hadron Collider science through touch, sound and live interaction.
03/06/18 Bring a folding chair National Society of Black Physicists President Renée Horton talks with Symmetry about finding a place to belong in physics.
03/05/18 Q&A: Jogesh Rout What's it like being a theoretical neutrino physicist working on the Long-Baseline Neutrino Facility?
02/27/18 Looking for nothing to test gravity When they look for violations of Einstein’s general relativity, physicists deliberately plan experiments to find nothing at all.