10/06/12 Denver Post Colorado argon will be at the heart of dark matter experiment The Darkside-50 experiment will require uncontaminated argon gas for its dark matter search.
10/05/12 American Institute of Physics FYI Update on automatic budget cuts to federal R&D Two reports describing significant damage that automatic cuts in federal spending would have on research and development have been released.
10/05/12 Stars dancing around a black hole may test relativity The Keck Observatory's observations of two stars orbiting the black hole at the center of our galaxy may reveal insight into the curvature of space-time.
10/05/12 Interactions The Republic of Cyprus becomes a CERN Associate Member State The Republic of Cyprus will become an Associate Member State of CERN.
Inside the search for dark matter 12/17/24 Ali Sundermier About 30 years ago an "ideas guy" and a team builder joined forces to search for the invisible bulk of existence.