10/10/12 Christian Science Monitor Einstein's math may also describe faster-than-light velocities Einstein’s theory of special relativity may lend itself to a description of velocities that exceed the speed of light.
10/09/12 Science Now Dance Your PhD finalists announced; Pick your favorite How would you explain your PhD research to someone with no scientific background? What if you had to dance it?
10/09/12 Popular Science How the physics Nobel winners imprison subatomic particles Haroche and Wineland have figured out how to measure quantum systems without disturbing them, enabling the first steps toward quantum computers.
10/09/12 BBC News Physics Nobel goes to Serge Haroche and David Wineland The Nobel prize in physics has been awarded for work with light and matter at the most fundamental level.
Dark Matter Day Q&A: Olivia Valentino 10/29/24 Chris Patrick Student scientist Olivia Valentino shares what it’s like to work on a dark matter detector thousands of feet underground.