02/06/23 WIRED At last, the Milky Way gets a better close-up The largest catalog ever collected by a single telescope maps Earth’s 3 billion stellar neighbors—and helps track the dust that warps how we see them.
02/03/23 CBC A physicist looks at the experiments that gave us the modern picture of matter Particle physicist Suzie Sheehy reviews how we came to understand the subatomic world.
02/01/23 Yale News Enchanted by science as a child, Yale physicist now probes quantum riddles Yale quantum physicist Charles D. Brown II reflects on his entry into the scientific life—and his research in quantum simulation.
01/26/23 Berkeley Lab Lost video of Georges Lemaître, father of the Big Bang Theory, recovered European broadcast network VRT found a 20-minute recording that is thought to be the only video of Lemaître.
Testing, testing! 01/15/25 NSF–DOE Vera C. Rubin Observatory has just successfully completed a series of full-system tests using an engineering test camera.
12/13/18 Program offers students a refuge in STEM REFUGES, started by physicist Tino Nyawelo, aims to give refugees and other underrepresented groups the tools to succeed in STEM.
12/11/18 Physics books of 2018 Symmetry writer Mike Perricone presents his annual compilation of new popular science books related to particle physics and astrophysics.
12/06/18 Top quark couture What do you give a physicist who helped discover a fundamental particle and jump-started your science career?
11/30/18 Heavy-ion researchers seize their moment During the short heavy-ion run at the Large Hadron Collider at CERN, every moment counts.
11/15/18 Physics footage from a Monkee 1970s video footage recorded by musician Micky Dolenz when he visited the then-nascent Fermilab is now available on YouTube.
11/13/18 Gravitational lenses Predicted by Einstein and discovered in 1979, gravitational lensing helps astrophysicists understand the evolving shape of the universe.