04/24/14 BBC How do we know the big bang actually happened? BBC iWonder guide to research about the big bang.
04/24/14 MIT Technology Review How nanoexplosives could help solve one of the biggest mysteries of astrophysics Particles of dark matter should trigger nanoexplosions in certain materials.
04/24/14 APS Physics Synopsis: Sterile neutrino as dark matter candidate A sterile neutrino could be a viable dark matter candidate.
04/24/14 Nanowerk News Successful companies founded by physicists often break the Silicon Valley model The new Physics Entrepreneurship and Innovation report examines physicist-led startups.
Small science and the future of particle physics 01/07/25 R.M. Davis A proposed funding program for small- and medium-scale projects reveals insights into the science, logistical challenges, and future of particle physics research.