05/13/14 PhysOrg Radiation from early universe found key to answer major questions in physics Ancient microwaves can provide a cosmological test of Einstein's theory of general relativity.
05/13/14 EuroNews What will we discover when we switch the LHC back on? Physicists can only imagine what they might see in the next run of the LHC in early 2015.
05/12/14 Universe Today Can super-fast stars unveil dark matter’s secrets? Astronomers are trying to use "hypervelocity" stars beyond classifying them.
05/12/14 Science Now Blockbuster big bang result may fizzle, rumor suggests The biggest discovery in cosmology in a decade could turn out to be an experimental artifact.
Small science and the future of particle physics 01/07/25 R.M. Davis A proposed funding program for small- and medium-scale projects reveals insights into the science, logistical challenges, and future of particle physics research.