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New DESI results weigh in on gravity


Researchers used the Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument to map how nearly 6 million galaxies cluster across 11 billion years of cosmic history. 


Accounting for the Higgs

Only a fraction of collision events that look like they produce a Higgs boson actually produce a Higgs boson. Luckily, it doesn’t matter.


Seven views of work at the LHC

Symmetry chats with scientists working at the Large Hadron Collider to hear about differences between seven different rungs on the academic career ladder.


Reina Reyes looks like science

Reina Reyes made headlines for her research at Princeton testing Einstein’s theory of general relativity; now she’s home in the Philippines, using her physics background to make her mark in different ways.


The reverse science fair

A school invited physicists from Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory to present their science for judgment by elementary students.


On background

Physicists deal with background in their experiments in two ways: by reducing it and by rejecting it.